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Fred Hamilton

The author, circa 1986

In 1986, Fred Hamilton, color-deficient since birth, graduated with a BSEE from Virginia Tech. He looked around, looked at his life, looked at his future, and produced this timeless piece of literature. He picked up his guitar and played. He tried (unsuccessfully) to become an alcoholic when he discovered his best friend Jamie would give him free drinks on the nights Jamie was bartending at the Cajun Connection. He fell in love with many beautiful and insane women. He designed and built a tube guitar amp that sounded incredible every other day, repulsed Paul Reed Smith when he saw it, and caught on fire during rehearsals one day while Maynard was playing "Arrogance" through it. He slept as late as he wanted.

3 years later he got a real job in Silicon Valley. He now apparently knows the taste of nuts on his tongue.

Did anyone actually read this? Let me know!